…Oh, how I love your instructions! I think about them all day long…


             “For the lovers of God may suffer adversity and stumble seven times, but they will continue to rise over again and over again. But the unrighteous are brought down by just one calamity and will never be able to rise again.”, (Proverbs 24v16, The Passion Translation).

             It has been emphasized that we can become slaves to ungodly desires. However, that is not the only choice we have. We can be motivated by wholesome cravings. We can break free from the chains of addictive habits. The starting point is having the desire to please God above all else. This involves starving the ungodly cravings and feeding those that make us reflect Christ.

             The decision to stay away from what makes us fall will not always lead to instant changes in our lives. You might have heard testimonies of people who were miraculously and instantaneously delivered from unwholesome habits like smoking and pornography. However, that is not the experience of everybody. It may also not be your experience. Whatever experience we have, God is more interested in the process of changing us on the inside rather than the fruits seen on the outside.

             You may fall many times. The habit may not stop immediately. Don’t give up. Resolve to please your Heavenly Father by depending on His Grace. Stick to your decision to stay away from whatever or whoever makes you fall. Have someone you can be accountable to, preferably a matured Christian. You need people who will be godly enough to speak the truth and loving enough not to give up on you.

              Remember that you are loved no matter how many times you fall. Remember that you can be free and stay free from whatever has kept you bound. Remember that “So if the son makes you free, then you are unquestionably.”, (John 8v36, Amplified).

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